Titan Resurrection
Archer's Line – The Moon
The searching Ghost is accompanied by a Hunter and Warlock, picking through the abandoned buildings of the old space center. Quite a bit of caution is taken to avoid attracting the attention of the Fallen who have claimed residence since the Humans retreated. After the Hive had beaten them back the surface had been easy to occupy. The Ghost was sure his Guardian was here, waiting to be called back from the dead to serve again.
Presently the Ghost is silently scanning a darkened control room, light only filtering in through the dusty windows. The two Guardians stay on point, clearing the place before taking up a post at the closed door.
Warlock: [exhausted sigh] We've been at this for days. There's only so many skeletons I can stomach before the Void looks delightful enough to throw myself into.
Hunter: Oh, shut it. If I knew my Ghost had been encouraged to give up on finding me I'd be... Well...
Warlock: You'd still be dead.
Hunter: And I'd be very upset about it in the afterlife.
Warlock: What afterlife?
Hunter: What is it with you Warlocks and questioning everything?
Ghost: [excitedly] Found you!
The Titan is propped up against the back wall, a trigger in hand with explosives strapped to the chestplate. The two Guardians stand on either side of the Ghost, looking down at the body.
Hunter: Looks like a dud, s/he's pretty lucky it never went off. I don't think a Ghost can a put splattered body back together.
Warlock: [looking at the Ghost] Are you sure you want this one? S/he seems to favor the mentality of 'I'm going down and I'm taking you with me'.
Ghost: S/he's perfect.